Monday 14 November 2011

The days of false teaching

Have you ever wondered about why so many preachers of the modern age are living in wealth in contrast with many of their followers? I'll tell you why, it is because some preachers are money driven and not souls for the kingdom of Christ driven. The word of God talks about them in 1 Tim 6:3 - 5. Verse 5 says this, bitter talk of men who are evil in mind, and dead to what is true, taking the faith to be a way of making profit. You see, many people do believe in giving God His share of their income, we call the concept tithing, but tithing should be done out of love to God and not because the preacher makes you feel guilty or because he or she is a good sales person, of witch there are many in the ministry today. Many people tithe and then they ask, but why am i still battling with a shortage of money? You should ask yourself if you are indeed giving to the work of the Lord with a loving attitude and through being obedient, or have you been promised good things by a preacher who in turn puts your money (God's money ) in his own pocket. Heb 13:5 states that we should be free for the love of money and be content with what we have, and then God says He will be with us at all times, witch means He knows what we need and He will provide it. So i urge you, if all you hear in your church of how God will bless you because of your tithe and only good things are promised, and your pastor does not preach the real good news of salvation, then you should contemplate on finding another church where the word is preached to it's fullness and where you will be loved for who you are and not for what you have and give. That is why so many people do not get saved, for the lack of hearing that sin and living without Jesus as Lord will send them to hell. Money does not make the world go around, trusting Jesus and knowing Him, does !

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